
Helper functions for model parameter distributions.

aboleth.distributions.gaus_posterior(dim, std0, suffix=None)

Initialise a posterior Gaussian distribution with a diagonal covariance.

Even though this is initialised with a diagonal covariance, a full covariance will be learned, using a lower triangular Cholesky parameterisation.

  • dim (tuple or list) – the dimension of this distribution.
  • std0 (float) – the initial (unoptimized) diagonal standard deviation of this distribution.
  • suffix (str) – suffix to add to the names of the variables of the parameters of this distribution.

Q – the initialised posterior Gaussian object.

Return type:



This will make tf.Variables on the randomly initialised mean and covariance of the posterior. The initialisation of the mean is from a Normal with zero mean, and std0 standard deviation, and the initialisation of the (lower triangular of the) covariance is from a gamma distribution with an alpha of std0 and a beta of 1.

aboleth.distributions.kl_sum(q, p)

Compute the total KL between (potentially) many distributions.

I.e. \(\sum_i \text{KL}[q_i || p_i]\)

  • q (tf.distributions.Distribution) – A tensorflow Distribution object
  • p (tf.distributions.Distribution) – A tensorflow Distribution object

kl – the result of the sum of the KL divergences of the q and p distibutions.

Return type:


aboleth.distributions.norm_posterior(dim, std0, suffix=None)

Initialise a posterior (diagonal) Normal distribution.

  • dim (tuple or list) – the dimension of this distribution.
  • std0 (float) – the initial (unoptimized) standard deviation of this distribution.
  • suffix (str) – suffix to add to the names of the variables of the parameters of this distribution.

Q – the initialised posterior Normal object.

Return type:



This will make tf.Variables on the randomly initialised mean and standard deviation of the posterior. The initialisation of the mean is from a Normal with zero mean, and std0 standard deviation, and the initialisation of the standard deviation is from a gamma distribution with an alpha of std0 and a beta of 1.

aboleth.distributions.norm_prior(dim, std)

Make a prior (zero mean, isotropic) Normal distribution.

  • dim (tuple or list) – the dimension of this distribution.
  • std (float, np.array, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable) – the prior standard deviation of this distribution.

P – the initialised prior Normal object.

Return type:
