
Network loss functions.

aboleth.losses.elbo(likelihood, Y, N, KL, like_weights=None)

Build the evidence lower bound loss for a neural net.

  • likelihood (tf.distributions.Distribution) – the likelihood object that takes neural network(s) as an input. The batch_shape of this object should be (n_samples, N, ...), where n_samples is the number of likelihood samples (defined by ab.InputLayer) and N is the number of observations (can be ? if you are using a placeholder and mini-batching).
  • Y (ndarray, Tensor) – the targets of shape (N, tasks).
  • N (int, Tensor) – the total size of the dataset (i.e. number of observations).
  • KL (float, Tensor) – the Kullback Leibler divergence between the posterior and prior parameters of the model (\(\text{KL}[q\|p]\)).
  • like_weights (callable, ndarray, Tensor) – weights to apply to each observation in the expected log likelihood. This should be an array of shape (N,) or can be called as like_weights(Y) and should return a (N,) array.

nelbo – the loss function of the Bayesian neural net (negative ELBO).

Return type:


aboleth.losses.max_posterior(likelihood, Y, regulariser, like_weights=None, observation_axis=1)

Build maximum a-posteriori (MAP) loss for a neural net.

  • likelihood (tf.distributions.Distribution) – the likelihood object that takes neural network(s) as an input. One axis of this object’s batch_shape should refer to N, which is the number of observations (can be ? if you are using a placeholder and mini-batching). The axis that indexes observations is set by the observation_axis setting. For data that is (n_samples, N, ...) this should automatically work.
  • Y (ndarray, Tensor) – the targets of shape (N, tasks).
  • regulariser (float, Tensor) – the regulariser on the parameters of the model to penalise model complexity.
  • like_weights (callable, ndarray, Tensor) – weights to apply to each observation in the expected log likelihood. This should be an array of shape (N,) or can be called as like_weights(Y) and should return a (N,) array.
  • observation_axis (int) – The axis that indexes the observations (N). This will assume the obserations are on the second axis, i.e. (n_samples, N, ...). This is used to calculate the mini-batch size.

map – the loss function of the MAP neural net.

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