
Layers that impute missing data.

class aboleth.impute.FixedNormalImpute(datalayer, masklayer, mu_array, var_array)

Bases: aboleth.impute.ImputeOp

Impute the missing values using marginal Gaussians over each column.

Takes two layers, one the returns a data tensor and the other returns a mask layer. Creates a layer that returns a tensor in which the masked values have been imputed as random draws from the marginal Gaussians.

  • datalayer (callable) – A layer that returns a data tensor. Must be of form f(**kwargs).
  • masklayer (callable) – A layer that returns a boolean mask tensor where True values are masked. Must be of form f(**kwargs).
  • mu_array (array-like) – A list of the global mean values of each dat column
  • var_array (array-like) – A list of the global variance of each data column

Construct the subgraph for this layer.

Parameters:**kwargs – the inputs to this layer (Tensors)
  • Net (Tensor) – the output of this layer
  • KL (float, Tensor) – the regularizer/Kullback Leibler ‘cost’ of the parameters in this layer.
class aboleth.impute.ImputeOp(datalayer, masklayer)

Bases: aboleth.baselayers.MultiLayer

Abstract Base Impute operation. These specialise MultiLayers.

They expect a data InputLayer and a mask InputLayer. They return layers in which the masked values have been imputed.

  • datalayer (callable) – A layer that returns a data tensor. Must be of form f(**kwargs).
  • masklayer (callable) – A layer that returns a boolean mask tensor where True values are masked. Must be of form f(**kwargs).

Construct the subgraph for this layer.

Parameters:**kwargs – the inputs to this layer (Tensors)
  • Net (Tensor) – the output of this layer
  • KL (float, Tensor) – the regularizer/Kullback Leibler ‘cost’ of the parameters in this layer.
class aboleth.impute.LearnedNormalImpute(datalayer, masklayer)

Bases: aboleth.impute.ImputeOp

Impute the missing values with draws from learned normal distributions.

Takes two layers, one the returns a data tensor and the other returns a mask layer. This creates a layer that will learn marginal Gaussian parameters per column, and infill missing values using draws from these Gaussians.

  • datalayer (callable) – A layer that returns a data tensor. Must be an InputLayer.
  • masklayer (callable) – A layer that returns a boolean mask tensor where True values are masked. Must be an InputLayer.

Construct the subgraph for this layer.

Parameters:**kwargs – the inputs to this layer (Tensors)
  • Net (Tensor) – the output of this layer
  • KL (float, Tensor) – the regularizer/Kullback Leibler ‘cost’ of the parameters in this layer.
class aboleth.impute.LearnedScalarImpute(datalayer, masklayer)

Bases: aboleth.impute.ImputeOp

Impute the missing values using learnt scalar for each column.

Takes two layers, one the returns a data tensor and the other returns a mask layer. Creates a layer that returns a tensor in which the masked values have been imputed with a learned scalar value per colum.

  • datalayer (callable) – A layer that returns a data tensor. Must be an InputLayer.
  • masklayer (callable) – A layer that returns a boolean mask tensor where True values are masked. Must be an InputLayer.

Construct the subgraph for this layer.

Parameters:**kwargs – the inputs to this layer (Tensors)
  • Net (Tensor) – the output of this layer
  • KL (float, Tensor) – the regularizer/Kullback Leibler ‘cost’ of the parameters in this layer.
class aboleth.impute.MeanImpute(datalayer, masklayer)

Bases: aboleth.impute.ImputeOp

Impute the missing values using the stochastic mean of their column.

Takes two layers, one the returns a data tensor and the other returns a mask layer. Returns a layer that returns a tensor in which the masked values have been imputed as the column means calculated from the batch.

  • datalayer (callable) – A layer that returns a data tensor. Must be of form f(**kwargs).
  • masklayer (callable) – A layer that returns a boolean mask tensor where True values are masked. Must be of form f(**kwargs).

Construct the subgraph for this layer.

Parameters:**kwargs – the inputs to this layer (Tensors)
  • Net (Tensor) – the output of this layer
  • KL (float, Tensor) – the regularizer/Kullback Leibler ‘cost’ of the parameters in this layer.